"May Adonai bless you and protect you! May Adonai deal kindly and graciously with you! May Adonai lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace!" (Torah, Numbers 6:24-26) And Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come unto me. Forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Truly, I say unto you, unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a little child does, you shall not enter therein." (New Testament, Mark 10:14-16)

Sojourning at an Oasis Paradise

My purpose for living this life, and for writing this blog, is to understand the faith that links us to God. I wish to explore and discuss the reality at the heart of all of the world's religions. This is an immense task, but I know that God also has faith in us, trusting that we do desire the truth, as well as freedom, love and wisdom. Thus, as always, He meets us halfway. Even as God has given us individual souls, so we must each of us trace out an individual pathway to God. Whether we reside in the cities of orthodox religion, or wend our solitary ways through the barren wastelands, God watches over us and offers us guidance and sustenance for the journey.

Most of what you will see here is the result of extensive personal study, combined with some careful speculation. Occasionally, I may simply offer some Scripture or an inspirational text. I am a wide reader, and the connection of some topics and ideas to matters of faith and religion may not seem immediately obvious, but perhaps I may spell it out in the end... or maybe, you will decide that it was just a tangent. Anyway, I hope that you will find my meanderings to be spiritually enlightening, intellectually stimulating, or at least somewhat entertaining.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Living in Heaven, Part Two

 When we think about Heaven, it urges our imaginations to ecstacy, so much so that it becomes difficult to create any kind of system or coherence. So, we have to try to focus on what it is that we really want to know, and what we may actually be able to discern from our sources. Just remember, what God wants, aside from rewarding his followers, is for us to be inspired. Don't you want this? 

I. General Overview 

The concept of Heaven has been around for several millennia, and it has accumulated quite a number of aspects, depending upon who is trying to imagine it. 

1. The Divine Courtyard and Council 
2. The Garden of Eden and Paradise Fountains 
3. A Dozen (x 100?) Beautiful Cities of God 
4. A Library Full of Wisdom 
5. A Palatial Mansion Home
6. Many Happy Hunting Grounds 
7. Perfect Tropical Beaches 
8. Friendly Communal Villages 
9. Endless Scenic Hiking Trails 
10. Forever Fertile Valley Farms 
11. Schools of Adventure Learning 
12. Exploring the Celestial Cosmos 

As you can readily see, I added a few of my own personal preferences, as I expect that almost everyone will. I didn't go into any visual details because I want you to use your own imagination. 

When you think about what you may want to do for eternity, you want to imagine a variety of adventures and occupations. And of course, you want to have access to venues where you can meet with God, to have private discussions or to listen to Him telling stories along with a group of friends. One of the real perks of being in Heaven is having friends around when you want them, and finding time to be alone when you don't. 

When you want to acquire something, it's never too hard to get it or make it, because neither money nor time is a restriction. If you find a real interest in a hobby, you can study and practice it until you become an expert. And whenever you see someone who needs a helping hand, you don't have to worry about getting too involved with strangers. 

But I don't expect to see any places where people indulge in excess sensuality or vices, because, if it's not healthy or proper here then I doubt it will be encouraged in Heaven. Certainly, anything that mistreats or degrades others will be strictly forbidden. And we won't be making a game out of abusing animals for sport, nor by overworking them. 

But some things that people used to think were unseemly, like dancing and listening to music, or even skinny-dipping, probably will be okay, because we won't feel compelled by sensual nature to behave sinfully. We can enjoy the beauty of our glorified bodies, without worrying that we could ruin our relationships with our families. We will always know where our ties of loyalty are, and we won't desire to cause grief or distress. Indeed, without gender roles and responsibilities, there won't be any betrayal of our spouses, only the promise to always be friends. Our love for each other can remain free and innocent, and we will know if there are any limits or expectations. 

II. Sustaining the Community 

If you want to know what we will eat, I think there will be no restrictions, so long as the food is healthy. You probably won't be over-indulging, however, because you can always come back to the buffet later. Of course, the varieties available will reflect a cosmopolitan imagination. Any kind of cuisine you can think of can be found when you want to try it. But food is something that won't be essential. If you don't want to eat, you may not get hungry for quite a while. And if you do like to eat, burning off the fat will be easy. 

If you like taking care of people and being of service, you can become a gourmet cook. The recipes can be as simple or complicated as you like, and the food will turn out right. Imagine the smiles and compliments from the diners each evening. Don't get bored. You can change the regional cuisine.

Or, maybe you like growing plants and tending animals, and you would like to be a farmer. It won't be hard and laborious, or a gamble for whether your efforts will succeed. The fields are fertile and the weather is good for growing. You can grow what you like, and you can even plow with a mule, if you want. Consider it a good exercise, because the struggle and suffering will be eliminated. You can keep your animals in shady fields, the way they like, and enjoy the dairy and eggs, or wool. They are happy to give. Maybe you have an exotic taste, and you'll want to harvest seaweed, and make tofu, or weave silk. All of that will be appreciated. 

Of course, I am just barely scratching the surface. If you want a vocation, or a temporary job, or you want to do something creative, it's all up to you. You can even volunteer to work on some major projects, divinely inspired and designed by master engineers and strategists, and so serve the whole community of Heaven. 

III. Serving God 

While the Garden of Eden and Fountains of Paradise will be major tourist attractions, where we can walk and talk with God, those won't be our only encounters with Him. I expect that we will each have our periodic duties to attend at the Divine Court and take part in the Council assembly. It is part of the ordinary administration  of Heaven, and one of the ways that God enjoys being magnanimous. 

God likes to imagine great ideas and projects, and share them with the citizens of his Kingdom, asking for opinions and suggestions on how to implement them. Of course, He doesn't need our help. He just wants us to feel like we have a share in what's going on. And if one of our suggestions seems likely to work, He may authorize us to put it into practice. The daily discussions can be on topics big or small, and it's likely that we get to vote sometimes. Clearly, a divided decision would just be part of the plan, those opposed get assigned to their own part, playing a role, as one aspect of making sure it works out right. God knows what it will take, and how long, and He can make it all contribute to his glory. 

IV. Is this for real?

By now, some of you are beginning to think that I'm just making this up. Honestly, this is almost all speculation, but it's based on the promises that I have understood from the Bible. Heaven is the place where we will live for eternity, where we can adore God face to face, and all of our pain and suffering will be over. Psalm 82 is where we read about the divine council. Then, Jesus said that there are many mansions in the Father's house. And if God wanted to spend time with us in the Garden of Eden when He first created us, then He still wants to do that. And claiming Jerusalem as his own city surely must mean that He would like us to live in cities. If the Bible has whole books of Wisdom in it, I know that He has plenty more to say. Of course, I'm being too facile, but you get the point. If it will make us happy, I'm pretty sure we can find it in Heaven. 

But maybe you're thinking that the whole idea is just a fantasy. You doubt the possibility of an actual world like this, imagining that if we ever experience anything like this, it's going to be some virtual digital world. Today, some people think that even this world is fake, that we live in the Matrix, manipulated inside an artificial video game scenario. But even so, why would we not be allowed to experience the real thing, if we can somehow prove ourselves worthy? Perhaps the proof will consist in our fixing our own world so that we can make it ever better. 

But logically, if we can be fooled into thinking that we are happy in reality, that we are totally content with the experiences we are having, how much does it matter if it isn't real? If we were merely digital personalities living in an advanced holographic world, then that would be our reality. It all comes down to one thing: what is reality, and how do you define it so that it can be discerned from a virtual world that intends to perfectly mimic reality? 

I can only give one answer. Heaven is going to be as real as it needs to be. And if God wants to lift us up from this world, and give us a place in a better, more real world, then He can do that. I have no doubt that God can do anything He wants to do, and we will experience whatever He wants us to experience. And if He wants us to be happy, He can arrange for that, too. 

God gave us the capacity to dream of a better world, and He gave us a longing for a perfect relationship. If He never meant for us to attain what we most deeply want, then He would not be a perfect, holy, righteous and merciful God. And I know in my heart that He truly is.

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