"May Adonai bless you and protect you! May Adonai deal kindly and graciously with you! May Adonai lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace!" (Torah, Numbers 6:24-26) And Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come unto me. Forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Truly, I say unto you, unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a little child does, you shall not enter therein." (New Testament, Mark 10:14-16)

Sojourning at an Oasis Paradise

My purpose for living this life, and for writing this blog, is to understand the faith that links us to God. I wish to explore and discuss the reality at the heart of all of the world's religions. This is an immense task, but I know that God also has faith in us, trusting that we do desire the truth, as well as freedom, love and wisdom. Thus, as always, He meets us halfway. Even as God has given us individual souls, so we must each of us trace out an individual pathway to God. Whether we reside in the cities of orthodox religion, or wend our solitary ways through the barren wastelands, God watches over us and offers us guidance and sustenance for the journey.

Most of what you will see here is the result of extensive personal study, combined with some careful speculation. Occasionally, I may simply offer some Scripture or an inspirational text. I am a wide reader, and the connection of some topics and ideas to matters of faith and religion may not seem immediately obvious, but perhaps I may spell it out in the end... or maybe, you will decide that it was just a tangent. Anyway, I hope that you will find my meanderings to be spiritually enlightening, intellectually stimulating, or at least somewhat entertaining.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

On the Abolition of Slavery

 Part One: Resistance to Abolition 

While it is true that the institution of slavery was a pillar of the economy in the southern United States for over two hundred years, I disagree with the unfair characterization of the South as full of bigots, wholeheartedly desirous to keep slavery in place forever. There were, however, a number of reasons why they refused to give it up right away. 

First, the political balance of slave states versus free states had been established in the Constitution, when the census was set up to count enslaved blacks as two-thirds of a person, for the purpose of representation in the House of Congress. This caused the competition to declare whether new states coming into the Union would allow slavery or be designated as free. It was never clarified whether a free black would have any status for representation, or even given a vote in elections. The South was clearly hesitant to give suffrage to an uneducated class, when even white women were not so eligible as yet. 

Secondly, the economic base in the South was primarily agricultural, and dependent on the labor of many hands, especially in cotton and tobacco. Meanwhile, the North was rapidly industrializing to make durable commodities, like steel and manufactured goods, and wage labor was becoming the norm. Expecting the South to pay wages to field workers would have put many farmers out of business, and there was little machinery available to lessen the workload. 

Thirdly, slavery supported the southern way of life. The class structure of "genteel" society was based on the availability of servants, as it was in Britain. But in the South, it was cheaper to have slaves for house servants than to hire poor whites to do these jobs. A slave could be well trained to clean, cook and raise the children, and were taught, occasionally, to read and write. Some were even accorded preferential treatment, and given special perks, like a Bible or a musical instrument, which they could share with the others. And they could be expected to stay for life, while a white servant might leave at will, or for small cause. 

Fourth, many municipal functions were often performed by slaves, such as lamplighters, street sweepers and trash collectors. It required considerable labor to keep streets clean when horses were the common mode of transport. Slaves were often utilized as labor for municipal construction projects. And occasionally, some small businesses were run by a slave who was entrusted by his master to manage a shop, in return for fair upkeep and kind treatment during the evening hours. In such cases, a slave might even be allowed to earn money to buy his freedom. 

Not all blacks adapted this well to being slaves, however, and a recalcitrant attitude of disobedience was a quick way to earn a harsh punishment. The resultant horror stories that have been handed down serve to remind us of the indignities of the institution. It should never have gotten this bad. But not all whites regarded the "darkies" with proper kindness, as they should have, nor did all whites deserve the degree of respect that they demanded. It was often a matter of class and pride, with hired white overseers administering the abuse, or white owners lacking the conscience needed to finesse and control the situation. 

So clearly, there was good reason to put an end to slavery in America, but it was going to be a long hard road. Everyone was going to have to adapt their lifestyles and social expectations. If there had been another way toward which they could have made a smooth transition, without flipping the economy on its head, or creating a new class distinction of an impoverished labor pool, the resistance to abolitionism might have been less. 

Part Two: Causes of War 

Slowly, there came some realization that slavery, while not forbidden in the Bible, was not, A) a preferred social structure, or B) practiced as the Bible dictated. And so, the institution would have been modified until it eventually faded away. The problem was the economy, and political entrenchment, and that was where they could not see any way to simply abandon slavery peremptorily. The culture relied on servants, and paying hired workers would have been a hardship, because of class issues, but that could have been worked out. Slavery could have been gradually phased out, as the conscientious awareness of how wrong owning human beings actually was would have grown. The Bible commanded that slaves were to be set free after seven years. Slaves were supposed to be an economic class, not the personal property of rich people. 

Moreover, the institution of slavery in America was cruel and inhumane, and its practice was often abusive beyond measure or Christian conscience. There is no question about that, nor any argument for its justification. It had to end, sooner or later. Although some southern families did not mistreat their slaves, and even continued to employ and care for them after the war, the very idea that humans could be chattel property was repulsive. The Bible never intended that it should be that way. God freed the slaves from Egypt! 

So the North wanted it to be an issue, and they wanted it dead and gone, NOW. They would not allow for a gradual transition, partly because the situation seemed to be getting ever more firmly entrenched, with the new slave states coming into the Union. Slavery could not be allowed to expand. So, Congress tried to increase the pressure on the southern states by imposing tariffs on interstate commerce, particularly on goods produced by slaves, but this was viewed as unfair. It soon was clear, with the election of Lincoln, that legislation to directly inhibit the trade and possession of slaves would be up for debate. The South had to secede, in order to protect and preserve their way of life... for however long it would last. 

Thus, the reasons often given for why the Southern States seceded from the Union would include the perceived abuses of Congress treating them as a second class of states. The cry of "States' Rights" meant that the states should have been allowed to take their time to adapt and mitigate slavery until it passed out of necessity. And the tariffs were regarded as punitive, exacerbating the situation, and making the northern states richer at the cost of impoverishing the South. Moreover, no one knew how to ensure the functions of "democracy" when a new class of poor, uneducated blacks were to be given their freedom. Would literacy tests have to be imposed? Many whites could not read and write either. The process of adapting to a free society was going to take a long time. Even after the South lost the Civil War, it took over a century to come to terms with the changes that were imposed.

Part Three: Global Milieu 

There is an often repeated accusation that white Americans were the perpetrators of the slave trade, going to Africa to steal black people away from their families and ship them off as slaves. This is simply not true. American slave traders NEVER stole any blacks from their homelands in Africa. They bought them from Muslim Arab slavers who captured them from conquered territories. The Arabs captured slaves for their own use, and for sale at the coast, and the slave traders, many of whom were British, bought them to sell in the Americas. At least, in the Americas, slaves were valuable for breeding, unlike in Muslim lands where the males would likely be castrated to insure they remained docile. 

Slavery had been a fact of life from the very beginning of civilization. It was not an American invention. The condition of slaves had been deplorable in almost every case, because a slave typically had no rights, nor any legal recourse against abuse. A slave was chattel, basically livestock. Individually, a slave could achieve a reasonably secure and respected station, if he, or she, was liked by his/her owner and found favor, but that was not the usual expectation. A slave had no choice concerning the work he would be assigned to do, and some jobs could have a very short life expectancy under extremely harsh conditions, eg., a galley rower, a copper miner, or a road builder. And rebellious slaves were routinely killed or mutilated if they fought back or tried to escape. 

The one exception, in ancient times, was in the lands owned by the Jews. Having once been slaves themselves in Egypt, they felt pity for slaves, and established some rights and conditions to delineate their position. In Israel, one could have become a slave usually for economic reasons, even voluntarily, due to extreme poverty or failed debt. This would have been a contractual agreement, involving monetary relief for the debt, and there was a limit to the time of servitude. According  to the Law, a slave could only be kept for seven years, and one was expected to be given sufficient food, clothing and shelter. Of course, he/she could be commanded or disciplined, like a child, but if one suffered serious abuse or harm, which resulted in any disability or disfigurement, the contract would be ended. A slave would also be allowed to marry a partner of his/her choice, but still be obligated to fulfill the terms of both contracts. There was even a possibility that, if both the owner and slave agreed, the contract could be converted to a permanent one, making the owner responsible for the slave's welfare for life. The sign for this was for the slave's ear to be pierced, and given a gold earring. And even as a slave, anyone born a Jew was still considered a citizen of Israel. Presumably, a captive taken in war would be accorded similar consideration, if he/she converted to Judaism, or they could be exchanged for Jewish prisoners from the other side.

Clearly, American slavery did not conform to this Biblical pattern, and this was a cause for concern for those who regarded slavery as an evil, even a necessary one. But there were worse places to be a slave, particularly in Arab or Muslim lands. Still, the discomfort to the American national conscience was going to end the institution of slavery eventually,  although no one had any ideas about how long it would take. Slavery had existed forever. But as history ran its course, it became the cause for a brutal, costly war. 

And even while white Americans are still accused of prejudice, and blamed for the practice of slavery, in other parts of the world it still continues. The institution of slavery was not outlawed in Muslim countries until late in the 20th century, and enforcement is still a problem. Radical groups, like Boko Haram, continue to take captives and enslave the females who won't convert to Islam. And female slaves are used for sexual purposes, passed from hand to hand, according to the survivors. Why is this? Muhammad did this, and he was "a paragon of humanity" to be imitated by all Muslims. It would seem to be a contradiction to abolish a practice that your prophet enjoined on all his followers, right? But American blacks have gone over to Islam, just to spite the white Christians who could not end slavery fast enough, while Muslims have no qualms about continuing it. Only international pressure has been able to force them to make it illegal, and push the practice of slavery underground. 

Part Four: Conclusions 

The Civil War did not solve the basic social problems, nor any of the economic ones however, and the resulting resistance to integrating black people on equal terms with whites came from these problems remaining. There has always been class differentiation between rich and poor, but in theory this could be bridged by education. The sudden introduction of a class without voting rights created a system of oppression, once again institutionalizing both lesser education and lesser rights. 

Jim Crow laws kept blacks as a bottom class, and stifled all efforts to rise from poverty and disrespect. The resulting hatred was then reflected on both sides as prejudice. It would be another hundred years before this deeply wrongful situation was addressed. The civil rights movement was slow in coming, but it did bear the long-awaited fruit. Legislation was passed to allow blacks to vote, and the Constitution was amended to give them equal rights. But prejudice dies hard, and children must be taught to overcome it by looking at an individual's character, rather than forever perpetuating racism. Only by treating others with the respect due to equals do we become equals.

Today, we have a golden opportunity to make things better, for ourselves and our children. As American children work hard daily to acquire a good education and improve their social class and status, and avoid such "acts of despair" as undermine society, they are being recognized as fully equal citizens with equal opportunities and futures. No class has ever gotten ahead without hard work, and privileges must be earned, before they are inherited. The adage asserting that "a black child has to work twice as hard as a white child to achieve the same results and recognition," is simply not true, but it is a continuing cause of more resentment and expectations for racism and oppression. We see what we expect to see, and such cold attitudes only make the situation worse.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Kenosis and Incarnation

 In his letter to the believers at Philippi, Paul is quoting a hymn to remind them of how they believe in the deity of Christ. This comes in the midst of a discourse on how believers should behave toward one another as humble servants. It can be translated into Aramaic, and it reads as a poem of 5 stanzas with 3 lines each, with meter. It is probably one of the first teachings of the Apostles in Jerusalem. 

"Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped. Rather, He emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the Name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,  and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Philippians 2:6-11)

And in that "emptying" of Himself, (kenosis), Jesus relinquished those aspects of the Nature of God, by which the divine Christ now far surpasses our Humanity, (And yet even so He retains his earthly experiences and his ability to intimately and compassionately relate with us.) as follows:

   Divine:                   Human:

   1. infinite              - limited 

   2. creative            - artistic 

   3. immutable       - changeable 

   4. immortal          - mortal 

   5. insusceptible   - temptable 

   6. omnipresent    - localized 

   7. omniscient       - teachable 

   8. sovereign         - humble 

The Son of God, in order to become as one incarnate, emptied Himself and set aside the immeasurable extremity of some of the aspects of his Divine Nature. He did not set aside his Divinity itself, but only intentionally limited its potentials. He retained only the nominal vestiges of the powers which would otherwise have kept him from an intimate understanding and sharing compassion with ordinary human beings. 

Jesus limited Himself in such a way that He could, with the accord of the Father and the Holy Spirit, pick up his full divinity again and recover its usefulness, when He began his mission for the Kingdom of God. Later, He once again accepted his limitations, when he was arrested and put to trial, so that as both God and Man He could experience the agony and tragedy of crucifixion and death. 

This emptying was necessary for the union of incarnation which was then accomplished with the help of the Holy Spirit. As a result, the hypostatic union was effected between the Person of the Son of God and the rational Soul of the son of Mary, and by intention they aligned the two natures, human and divine. In this way, both God and Man, joined in one person, fully God and fully Man, lived a human life, brought a divine message and its grace, and died a tragic human death. God the Father then raised Him from the dead, having thus shared our experience through his Son, who paid the penalty we deserved as a consequence of sin, yet having never once sinned Himself. 

Consequently, Jesus has forgiven our sins, and offers us the grace to heal our original sinful nature. If we believe in Him, as the Way and the Truth and the Life, then we are saved. And by whatever measure of his grace that we may receive and accept, and by the obedience with which we follow his lead, we are brought ever closer to becoming holy as a saint and a Child of God. 

And what is the first foundation of our faith, that which we must confess in order to be Christians? Again, the apostle Paul gives us the answer in his letters, to the Romans (10:9) and to the Corinthians (I Cor.15:3-8). This is known to be strictly in accord with the teachings of the Apostles, because they summoned him to come and explain what he was teaching to the churches. 

1. Jesus is Lord, the divine Son of God. 

        - He has the wisdom to teach, the power to heal, and the authority to cast out demons and to forgive sins. 

2. Jesus died on a Roman cross. 

        - He gave his own life to pay our penalty for sin. It was a sacrifice of love so that judgement would pass us by, and a ransom to free us from slavery to evil. 

3. Jesus arose again from the grave. 

        - This affirmed that his divinity and identity as the Son was acknowledged by God the Father, and it defeated Satan's gambit to claim sinners and destroy us with death. 

And where are these shown in the Bible?

They are to be found in: I Corinthians 15:3-8, Philippians 2:6-11, Mark's Gospel in the Passion narrative (15:22-39) and in John's Gospel story of how Jesus appeared to his disciples (20:19-29). These are extremely early, and based on first person testimony. 

Muslims will claim to believe in Jesus, as a great prophet to the Christians. Indeed, the Qur'an barely tries to argue with the Gospels' portrait of Jesus, although it gets many details wrong. Muslims are mostly willing to concede his teachings and his miracles, right up until his execution. But they deny his death to atone for our sins, his resurrection from the grave, and his identity as the Son of God, which the resurrection proves. These three essential elements are the ones they will vehemently deny. This is what they refuse to believe. Yet without these, you cannot claim to know Jesus, nor can you have any kind of relationship with Him. Your sins will not be forgiven, and you will not be saved. 

To defend their denial, many Muslims will insist that you must try to answer a single question. They phrase the query somwhat disingenuously, however, because they have been taught to insist on the "proper words," but no one can put words into God's mouth. 

"Where does Jesus say, I am God?" they ask. There are at least a half dozen places where Jesus claims to be God, but among the most obvious is, Mark 14:62.

Here Jesus is being interrogated by the High Priest, and He agrees that he is the Christ, the Son of God. "I am, and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of Heaven." These are three clear references to God and divinity. The High Priest clearly understood, as he tore his garment and declared "blasphemy!" Jesus was referring to Exodus 3:14, Psalm 110:1, and Daniel 7:13,14. 

Judaism had a long history of struggling with a conceptual dilemma, trying to understand how a singular, unique God could abide in Heaven while He sends his "messenger" or his "presence" to communicate with us, and yet this person will be saying "I am" just like God does. Of course, they never saw two at the same time, and occasionally He might pray, or reference God as another, like Jesus did. But it looked a lot like there were two powers in Heaven, even though they know that God is One. Pure monotheism cannot comprehend that, and the concept of a Trinity, a Three-in-One Godhead, is just too strange to conceive, unless you are told about it, or see something that demands it. But the conundrum of God sending Himself was recognized as a thought problem to be wrestled with. 

Jesus was clearly giving a definitive answer to this question, one that the High Priest was not willing to concede, as it conflicted with his idea of One God. He thought, a man cannot claim to be the Omnipotent God; it's not possible. But he had failed to give God enough credit. It was possible, for God really is omnipotent. 

For a thousand years, God had been trying to get his people Israel to accept Him as their leader, the way He had led them through the wilderness. Instead, they wanted a king, like the other nations. God allowed that, and found a special relationship with King David,  and promised him an eternal dynasty. That promise was fulfilled when God sent his Son to be born as a human child, with all of the normal human limitations, so that He would experience what it's like to be one of us ... until it was time to become the Teacher, Priest and King that He was sent to be. 

When Jesus's mission was done, to die on a cross and rise from the dead, He revealed how now we will need the third person of God's Trinity dwelling with us, in our hearts, so that He can abide with us. So, when He ascended back to Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to stay with us, and continue to teach us all that we need to know. With that done, now God is clearly the Leader of his people, as He intended, and we must have the Holy Spirit in our hearts in order to follow Him and be saved.

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Bible Answers the Fermi Paradox

 Part 1.

From a certain point of view, we can surmise that we are living in a quarantined solar system, hedged within a simulated view of the Cosmos, supervised by a transcendant Empire. This Empire is ruled by a unique God-King, a Triune Being, who is omniscient, omnipotent, ubiquitous, loving, intimately compassionate, and totally self-sufficient. His Authoring Word created everything, including both the material Cosmos, and a vast host of lesser spiritual beings who have their homes in the Heavens. 

From all appeances, we were uplifted from proto-chimps (which was not a unanimous decision) via the slow path of direct genetic modification and self-adaptive drift. We were declared a protected species, and placed inside a heavenly sphere a bit larger than our heliosphere. Thus, it should be no surprise if our probes cease to send data home.

The quarantine was imposed, primarily to protect us from too early observations of the Empire. Seeing that would have intimidated us and crushed our will to make independent progress toward faithful allegiance and mature moral conscience, and precluded our desire for spiritual transcendence. Even now, the "Kingdom  of Heaven" is just beyond our capacity to fully comprehend. No wonder we were given such minimal descriptions, as that was all our mythologies could grasp.

The "prime directive" said we were to be left alone, but an anti-uplift faction broke the blockade, intermingling with us, and trying to influence us to kill ourselves off. Then the pro-uplifters began trying to teach us laws and morality, so we would resist such perverse impulses. The result is the messy battlefield that the Earth has become. But the reason we don't see the aliens is that they are spirits, transcendent beings. Compared to us, they are the minor gods, and when they wish to be seen they can appear identical to us.

The ways we are protected are as follows:
1. A heliosphere sized "crystal sphere" to limit our view outward, hiding the Empire from us, and showing only a simulation,
2. A localized lightspeed velocity limitation, created by a damping field that distorts our physical observations, so the math won't reveal its interference,
3. A camouflage shield technology, used to hide any ships that pass through to observe us (or they will get blasted beyond possible recognition, like Oamuamua), and
4. Certain promising specimens, who have chosen allegiance to God, have their own assigned "guardian angel." These ward off direct attacks from the enemy, but they don't stop us from choosing risky behavior.

This speculation serves to explain all of our observations, and matches what we should expect from mythological sources and theological revelations. And it does explain why we don't see any evidence of aliens in our galaxy, or even beyond it in the Cosmos at large. After all, "what we call Truth often depends upon our point of view." Right? And how much we should reveal of it must be conformed to our moral sensibilities and our concern for the wellbeing of others.

Part 2. 

Ever since Zarathustra, we've been hearing about a war in Heaven. Even today, when we have the power to destroy civilization and devastate our planet, we are faced with this conflict on an ideological level. Some of us want to build machines that could be made to think like humans, while others believe that would be a very bad idea. Politics and Religion are the proxy battlefields where the lines are drawn between good and evil. But how shall we determine which flag and faction we are serving?

That answer depends upon how we know what is the best, most correct morality, and we have only our own internal moral sense for a compass. But the Most High God is not an arbitrary autocrat, unfathomable and unreasonable. Instead, He has given us a map and fair orientation. He told us that we should love Him first with our whole selves, and each other next, equal to ourselves, then the Decalogue to preserve civil society, and for simplicity, the Golden Rule, followed by our core ideal principles of Love, Truth, Freedom and Wisdom, all this in the service of Life, so we would know what to judge by. Those central foundational principles, plus the Revelations we have preserved from ancient days, which teach us to revere them as good, give us the standard (in hoc signo vincit) that we must follow. They are supported by God's promises of personal salvation and an inevitable final victory over the adversary who desires our demise. Together, those will always point and guide our moral compass.

And then, one day when we have passed the tests, or progressed to the point where we can no longer be conscientiously contained, everything will be openly revealed, showing just how much has been hidden from us. Hopefully by then, humans will have matured enough as a species to be able to step smoothly into the role of Citizens of the Empire, and accept the privileges thereof without abusing their potentials. We will be welcomed to our true home, where we will be privileged to represent the One True God as his image and likeness. Then we will know how protected we have been. We will know the final answer to the Fermi Paradox, and the mystery will have been solved.

Part 3.

According to Genesis, God stood before the Heavenly Council and announced that He was going to make Humans in the likeness of spiritual beings, so that they could represent and follow His purposes, to be His image, on the Earth. For this unique proposal, it seems that unanimous consent was lacking. So God told the dissenters to watch how Humanity would be faithful, and stay out of trouble.

But the Watchers rebelled. Satan entered the protected area, and caused Adam and Eve to sin. They led people to behave in ungodly ways, with violence, unruliness, idolatry, and mating between angels and the daughters of men. This provoked God to condemn the Watchers and send the Great Flood, to destroy the cities that they had built. And still, the survivors, instead of spreading out and tending the land as God said they should, rebuilt a great city, Babel, with a Temple Tower. They meant to tempt God to come down where they could influence His plans, and show how depraved people would be. But God destroyed the Tower, and scattered the people, and gave the Watchers, (now "fallen angels") a last chance. They were told to care for the "nations" and teach them to be civilized. But instead, they taught the people how to build the world in their own image, and to worship them as gods, false gods.

The "fallen angels" will neither relent nor repent because it's an ideological conflict. They disagree on the very idea of "uplifting" the animals that evolve in creation to become like elohim, spirits with souls. Animals are basically nasty creatures, unclean, and just because they can evolve some rudimentary intelligence doesn't make them spiritual. They have to be improved and gifted. And this takes millions of years, and lots of interference. 

God is trying to prove a point. Since He is a unique Being whose essential character is loving, He wants to be as inclusive of his creatures as possible, and to reach out as far and to as many persons/beings as He can. To do this, He is giving us a mission to learn to be like Him, to represent his Presence in the world. The "fallen angels" don't believe that we can do it, because we are too easily distracted and corrupted by self-interest. They don't want to be compared to beings with animal bodies, who "evolved" (nasty word) on a planet. In their view, we are beneath them.

So the battle rages on, while we are trying to learn how to live by faith. We are trusting God to make everything work out right, forgiving our failures, and leading us to become all that we can be. The stakes are perhaps even higher than we know. If we succeed, there may be other creatures on other planets that could be raised to Heaven after us, and we might be given a part in that. We might actually be the firstborn among God's creatures who can be both elohim and embodied.