"May Adonai bless you and protect you! May Adonai deal kindly and graciously with you! May Adonai lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace!" (Torah, Numbers 6:24-26) And Jesus said, "Allow the little children to come unto me. Forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Truly, I say unto you, unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a little child does, you shall not enter therein." (New Testament, Mark 10:14-16)

Sojourning at an Oasis Paradise

My purpose for living this life, and for writing this blog, is to understand the faith that links us to God. I wish to explore and discuss the reality at the heart of all of the world's religions. This is an immense task, but I know that God also has faith in us, trusting that we do desire the truth, as well as freedom, love and wisdom. Thus, as always, He meets us halfway. Even as God has given us individual souls, so we must each of us trace out an individual pathway to God. Whether we reside in the cities of orthodox religion, or wend our solitary ways through the barren wastelands, God watches over us and offers us guidance and sustenance for the journey.

Most of what you will see here is the result of extensive personal study, combined with some careful speculation. Occasionally, I may simply offer some Scripture or an inspirational text. I am a wide reader, and the connection of some topics and ideas to matters of faith and religion may not seem immediately obvious, but perhaps I may spell it out in the end... or maybe, you will decide that it was just a tangent. Anyway, I hope that you will find my meanderings to be spiritually enlightening, intellectually stimulating, or at least somewhat entertaining.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Who was saved before the Bible?

We say that Heaven is a place for two kinds of people, perfect people and forgiven people. Up to now, Jesus has been the only perfect person, but He isn't the only one in Heaven. You ask, quite astutely, what about the many generations who lived before the Bible, who never heard of Jesus? The answer: Before the Bible was written, the evidence for God was available in creation, via what we call "natural revelation." But getting saved that way required a special grace from God. Those who truly desired to know Truth might be granted the grace to hear his Voice.

In Genesis, Enoch walked with God until God took him straight to Heaven. That happened because he lived so intimately with God, loved Him so much, and obeyed Him, that God accepted him as righteous because of his faith and trust and love. Thus, God made a special plan for him. He decided that he didn't deserve to die like a common man and took him to Heaven. Enoch had the kind of relationship with God that Adam was meant to have, walking with God in the Garden. He wasn't perfect, but because of his faith, he was forgiven. By contrast, most of the rest of humanity was following the promptings of the fallen angels, lying and misleading them to follow their own desires.

Abraham, too, was willing to listen, follow and obey God when he was called out from Mesopotamia. He didn't have a Bible, but he had a heart that desired Truth. Thus, when God called his name, he responded with faith. Abraham left his city, his father, and his work to follow the Voice of God into a new land, and he chose to believe when God offered him a future in Covenant between Himself and his descendants forever. When he was tested, Abraham didn't even withhold his only legal son, who would inherit the birthright. He was willing to offer everything most precious to him as a sacrifice if God wanted it. This was the kind of faith that God wanted from his people, so He counted it as if Abraham was righteous. 

Moses was given up for adoption, and raised as a prince in Egypt, so his heart was filled with compassion for all people. Yet, he was a man of violence and killed a man for abusing a slave. When he fled into the desert, God spoke to him by a miracle, and he listened and humbled himself. God gave him a role in his plans, to save the slaves from bondage and return them to the promised land. Moses believed, and had the faith to follow Him back to Egypt, to oppose Pharaoh and lead his people back to Canaan, and so, God reckoned that faith for him as righteousness. Moses was given the Ten Commandments, and God told him how to build the Ark of the Covenant so that He could dwell among his chosen people. Moses was forgiven his sins, and became the Prophet and Lawgiver for God's people. 

King David, who grew up as a shepherd of sheep, loved the Lord and spent his lonely hours in prayer and song to God. He was brave to defend his sheep, so God chose him to lead and protect his people. When he was called, David believed, and despite all the challenges he would face, he chose to follow his Lord and believe his promises. David became known as "a man after God's own heart," and God recognized his faith as righteousness, even when he made mistakes. David knew how to repent when he sinned, and God accepted his humility. Thus, David was promised that the Messiah would come from among his descendants. 

The prophet Elijah was taken to Heaven in a fiery chariot. He was chosen like Enoch and didn't have to die, because of his faith and intimate relationship with God. He had served God faithfully for a lifetime, and allowed the Holy Spirit to dwell in his heart. He had dared to speak Truth to power, offending the King and Queen, and the priests of Baal. But he believed, and God proved his Word. Thus, God considered him righteous because of his faith, just as He had done for Abraham. Elijah only had the Law of Moses to follow, and parts of the histories of Judah and Israel. But he had faith in the plans and beneficence of God, and he fought to keep his people on the right track. He listened and followed God's Voice, and was one of his greatest prophets. 

All of these men, and I could list more, lived before Jesus, and none was perfect. But they believed in God and put their faith in Him without receiving the written revelation of the Bible. We can still learn from the natural world around us, and from human nature, to see that God exists, and we can seek to know Him intimately. God loves those who seek to know Truth, and He often speaks to those willing to listen. He blessed the ones who followed and humbled themselves in faith and obedience, even before they had received the message of Christ through the Bible. He can teach us what He wants us to know. The trouble, from the beginning up to now, is that almost no one ever did that. It's not that easy. So God made a more obvious Way for us to follow the Truth and find eternal Life. He sent his true Son, Jesus, to be our Messiah. That was his plan from the very beginning. But now, we must have faith in Jesus, and believe that He is the Voice of God, who reveals the Way, the Truth and the Life. Now, we have the Gospels and the Bible. 

No one discovers God in his creation unless they think to ask the big questions, and then they need to discern and accept the answers before them. They have to choose to love God and walk with Him for the rest of their lives. How many have gone to Heaven before the Bible promised that Jesus was coming to save us? Too few. The world is fallen, and full of temptations and distractions, leading us to ignore God's Voice. Then, after the time of Abraham, and once the Torah was written, many more have been saved, but still too few. That's why we need Jesus. 

When Jesus came, He chose to complete God's plan to be merciful to us. He died to forgive and save us. All those who choose to believe and follow him will be saved. It is on us to recognize the Truth given us in special revelation and see the evidence left for us to piece together. Now, the problem of filling Heaven rests with us to believe and carry the Gospel to the whole world. We will have God's help to succeed. Then, only those who refuse to believe and repent, those who refuse to have faith and follow Jesus, will be judged on the Last Day as stubborn and unforgiven. They are the ones going to Hell. 

Jesus let Himself be crucified so that we could avoid that dreadful fate. He died and was buried. While his body was in the grave, He went down into the stillness of Sheol, a dark place of eternal sleep, where those who had died uncertainly awaited their fate. He called to those who had hoped for a Saviour, offering them the chance to follow Him. Those who believed were promised that they would rise on the day of resurrection. Then on the third day, He rose from the dead Himself, to prove He has the power to keep his promises. 

After the Last Judgment, those who have rejected Jesus and refused his mercy will be cast into the pits of Hell, also known as Gehenna, the place of eternal exile, darkness and fiery punishment, a smoky trash heap where the refuse is forever burning. There, the rebel angels suffer torment forever in the Lake of Fire, down at the very bottom. They deserve their punishment for having defied God and defaced his image which He put into humanity. We, too, will have deserved such punishment, if we deny the Truth and refuse God's offer of mercy and grace. It's not God's choice to abandon us to Hell, but ours, if we refuse to have faith and accept his gift of righteousness. 

If you have not yet decided to believe in God and accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, let this be the day. You are not perfect, I know, because not one of us is perfect. We have all sinned and fallen far short of God's original hope for us. But God sent his only begotten Son to live a perfect life among us and to sacrifice Himself to pay our penalty for sin. That is how much He loves us, and how far He extends his mercy and grace to save us. Jesus died for you, but God raised Him from the dead, to prove the Truth of his promises. He promised to raise us up, too, and to share his Life with us, if we put our faith in Him. Then, after He told us to spread the Good News around the world, Jesus rose up to Heaven while all of his disciples watched. So on this very day, let your heart be opened to his love. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour, turn from those sins which your conscience has been convicting you for, and decide to follow the Voice of God. 

Jesus is Lord, the Son of the Living God, the promised Messiah, who came to redeem Humanity from the depravity of sin. Without Him, Satan has a claim on your soul, because you listened to him prompting you to follow your own way. Choose now to repent, turn around, and follow Jesus. Be reconciled to God, and let Him count your faith as Jesus' righteousness. It's his gift to you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Conscientious Abortion Law Must Avoid Extremes

You don't have to be "Pro-Choice" to be Pro-Justice and Pro-Health, both of which are essential to be truly "Pro-Life." The following "moderate" position in the debate might be fairly called, "Choose Life."

You're an extremist if you allow for no exceptions. Would you make an incest victim keep her rapist's baby, even if carrying the fetus would slowly kill her, despite the known probability that it would be born defective and impaired? Is that your idea of justice for the unborn? Does that glorify your god? If it does, then your tiny god is immoral, and IT is not the merciful God that I know from the Bible. HE understands compassion. He knows that we live in a fallen world that sometimes demands hurtful compromises. 

Let it also be known, our God wants us to minimize the suffering of others, so let us do what is necessary as early as possible, before the fetus' nervous system is fully developed. We must not destroy what looks like a human being. Delaying your decision is a decision for the child. There has to be a deadline for decisions, and earlier is better. 

By the way, abortion for birth control is a sin, and a sacrifice to the demonic god Moloch. If you have done this, don't be surprised when it's brought up at the Last Judgment. We have plenty of birth control methods that can prevent pregnancy, before fertilization begins a human life. Abstinence included.

We have to have exceptions, however, in order to make any law practical and fair, because human beings are fallen creatures. We sometimes make mistakes. But, we have to make laws that build our society toward justice and righteousness. The "Good" is not whatever we want it to be. It is an objective standard based on God's Word, not merely human philosophy, and He shows us how to discern false prophets.

First, abortion solely for the sake of birth control is, and always will be WRONG. We must make immorality accountable. The child is innocent and deserves to live. You started it, so you keep it. Bring the child to full term. Give it the life it deserves, and then decide whether to give it up for adoption.

Beyond that, we can't make saving the life of a baby a priority over saving its mother. Either way you are choosing who gets to live. That has to be the parents' (both) choice, and this scenario will always be a rare case.

Moreover, we can't legislate a "progeny benefit" for rapists if the victim doesn't want the baby. That includes incest. Forcing a victim to bear the criminal's child would be double victimization. We must err on the side of mercy. The baby may be innocent, but it's an accessory to the crime by association. We can only hope this will be rare.

Last, if there's something wrong with the fetus, such that the child will require extensive medical intervention to survive, it should then remain the parents' (both) decision about whether they can properly provide and care for the child. If the state wants to step in and claim responsibility, let them accept the burden.

NO abortions should be allowed for economic, extra-marital, parental age, or "family planning" (i.e., family limiting) reasons. 
1. Rape, or coitus without consent.
2. Incest, or familial abuse.
3. Significant risk to mother's health or life. 
4. Inevitable deformity or disability due to genetic disorders. 

Any procedure must be completed before the 12th week, even in cases of criminal justice or the mother's health. While the remedy of abortion must NEVER be imposed upon an unwilling mother, these exceptions allow for the recovery of normal healthy life in cases of crime or importunate pregnancy. 

If this was the National Law of the whole United States of America, the debate would be over. All of the selfish reasons for abortion would be revealed for the sins they really are. The thought that having a child might ruin your libertine lifestyle is not an excuse for killing your baby. 

If you truly feel you can not keep your baby for some reason, there are plenty of families who want to have children but can't. Put it up for adoption. Yes, you have to carry it to term. If you had "planned ahead" before you got pregnant, you wouldn't have the problem. But before you decide, you should ask, "Does God intend this child to be a blessing for my life?" If He does, He will make a way for you to keep it and still succeed. This could be the time for you to learn how to trust. Call on Jesus and pray for wisdom and light.

But, if you have several children with many fathers, the problem is Satan leading you into a miserable life. Examine the way you live, and Repent! Do it before it's too late. We are not guaranteed to have tomorrow. 

If some of you feel that the gift of a child is such a blessing that every pregnancy is worth nurturing, even though the child will be born with such gross defects that it won't be able to function and will die in horrible pain despite every effort you can possibly make, then no argument can ever sway you. I'm not advocating for aborting "defective" babies, but rather allowing parents to decide how to devote themselves to their families in the hope that their children may grow up to have children of their own. The loss of a child can be devastating for any family. We are lucky to live in an age when such losses are the exception, and not the experience of almost every family in our communities. Choosing to keep hoping for a healthy child is itself a choice for life, and a choice for future generations. 

Every family has to decide whether they can lovingly nurture an "unusual" child, and weigh the risks of trying to have their own children. Sometimes, yes. Having an unusual child can be a blessing. A child with "Downs Syndrome" can be the most loving person you may ever meet, even while they may have special needs. But some families would rather forego having any children than risk having the responsibility of caring for a special child. It is not for us to judge how someone else feels about their potential as a parent. We can not imagine how hard it is to decide whether to be childless or to risk the need for an abortion while hoping for a complete family. We do know, however, that not every prayer is answered the way we might wish. When faced with the choice, can we be sure that the easy answer won't fill us with remorse? Only God knows.